Indian Government’s Plans for Driving the Growth of Wind Energy

By energygk 12 Min Read


The Indian renewable energy sector has been witnessing remarkable growth in recent years, with a compounded annual growth rate of 15.51%. While the overall growth has been impressive, the wind energy sector has shown a growth rate of approximately 8%. In order to accelerate the growth of wind energy and harness its immense potential, the Indian government has been implementing various initiatives and policies. This article explores the government’s plans and strategies for driving the growth of wind energy in India.

Overview of the Indian Renewable Energy Sector

Before diving into the specifics of wind energy, it is essential to understand the broader context of the Indian renewable energy sector. India has been actively pursuing the development of renewable energy sources to create a safe, cheap, and sustainable energy system that can fuel robust economic growth. The government has recognized the importance of diversifying the energy mix and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Alongside wind energy, solar power has emerged as a major focus area for the government.

Importance of Wind Energy in India

Wind energy holds immense importance in India’s renewable energy portfolio. The country has vast wind resources, particularly along its coastline and in regions with favorable wind conditions. Harnessing this potential can provide a significant boost to India’s energy security and contribute to mitigating climate change. Wind energy also has the advantage of being a mature and proven technology with a track record of successful implementation worldwide.

Current State of Wind Energy in India

Despite the immense potential, the growth of wind energy in India has faced certain challenges. The sector has witnessed fluctuations due to policy uncertainties, grid integration issues, and land acquisition problems. However, recent years have seen notable progress, with a steady increase in installed wind power capacity. The government’s initiatives and reforms have played a crucial role in facilitating this growth.

Government Initiatives for Promoting Wind Energy

The Indian government has introduced several initiatives and policies to promote the development of wind energy in the country. One such initiative is the Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO), which mandates power distribution companies to procure a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable sources. This has created a demand for wind energy and encouraged the growth of wind power projects.

The National Wind Energy Mission is another crucial step taken by the government to drive the growth of wind energy. This mission aims to enhance the wind power capacity in the country and strengthen the manufacturing capabilities for wind turbines. It focuses on creating an enabling environment for wind power development through policy support, technical assistance, and capacity building.

Financial Incentives for Wind Energy Projects

To attract investments in the wind energy sector, the government has provided various financial incentives. These include capital subsidies, accelerated depreciation benefits, and tax holidays for wind power projects. Additionally, the government has introduced mechanisms such as generation-based incentives and competitive bidding to promote cost-effective and efficient deployment of wind energy projects.

Wind Power Capacity Targets

The government has set ambitious targets to increase the wind power capacity in India. As part of its commitment to the Paris Agreement, India aims to achieve a cumulative wind power capacity of 60 GW by 2023.

  1. Challenges Faced by the Wind Energy Sector

The growth of wind energy in India is not without its challenges. One of the primary issues is the intermittency of wind resources. Since wind is not constant, it poses challenges in maintaining a stable power supply. The variability of wind patterns requires effective grid integration and energy storage solutions to ensure a reliable and consistent electricity supply.

Land acquisition and suitable site identification are also significant challenges for wind energy projects. Identifying suitable locations with consistent wind resources and acquiring the necessary land rights can be a time-consuming and complex process. Streamlining these procedures and addressing the concerns of local communities are essential for the smooth implementation of wind energy projects.

Another challenge is the lack of adequate infrastructure, such as transmission lines and substation capacity, to evacuate the generated wind power. Expanding the transmission network and strengthening the grid infrastructure are crucial for maximizing the utilization of wind energy and preventing grid congestion.

  1. Solutions and Innovations

To address the challenges faced by the wind energy sector, various solutions and innovations are being pursued. Advanced forecasting techniques and grid management systems help optimize the integration of wind power into the grid, ensuring a stable and secure power supply. Additionally, research and development efforts are focused on enhancing wind turbine technology, improving efficiency, and reducing maintenance costs.

Innovations in energy storage technologies hold great potential for mitigating the intermittency of wind power. Battery storage systems and other emerging technologies enable the storage of excess wind energy and its utilization during periods of low wind activity, thereby balancing supply and demand.

  1. International Collaborations

India recognizes the importance of global collaborations and partnerships to drive the growth of wind energy. The country actively participates in international forums and initiatives focused on renewable energy. Collaborations with countries having advanced wind energy technologies and expertise facilitate knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and capacity building.

Bilateral and multilateral agreements promote investments in the wind energy sector and foster research and development collaborations. These partnerships contribute to the accelerated growth and adoption of innovative wind power solutions in India.

  1. Benefits of Wind Energy in India

Expanding the deployment of wind energy in India offers numerous benefits. Firstly, wind power is a clean and sustainable source of energy, contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. It helps India in meeting its international commitments under the Paris Agreement.

Wind energy also has significant socio-economic advantages. It generates employment opportunities across the value chain, from manufacturing and installation to operations and maintenance. The development of wind energy projects in rural areas can stimulate local economies, improve livelihoods, and enhance energy access for remote communities.

Moreover, wind power reduces the country’s dependence on imported fossil fuels, enhancing energy security and mitigating the risks associated with fuel price volatility. It diversifies the energy mix, making it more resilient and sustainable in the long run.

  1. Future Prospects and Growth Opportunities

The future of wind energy in India appears promising. The government’s continued focus on renewable energy, along with supportive policies and incentives, will drive further growth in the sector. The introduction of innovative technologies, such as floating offshore wind farms and hybrid wind-solar projects, opens up new avenues for harnessing wind energy.

Moreover, advancements in digitalization, data analytics, and artificial intelligence can optimize wind power generation, improve operational efficiency, and enable predictive maintenance, further enhancing the viability of wind energy projects.

The increasing participation of private sector players, both domestic and international, in the Indian wind energy market is a positive sign. This brings in expertise, investments, and technological advancements, accelerating the deployment of wind power projects.

In conclusion, the Indian government’s plans and initiatives for driving the growth of wind energy demonstrate a strong commitment to building a sustainable and resilient energy future. With a focus on policy support, financial incentives, and international collaborations, India is well-positioned to tap into its immense wind energy potential. Overcoming challenges through innovative solutions and fostering partnerships will pave the way for increased wind power capacity and contribute to India’s clean energy transition.


  1. What is the current growth rate of the Indian renewable energy sector? The Indian renewable energy sector has grown at a compounded annual growth rate of 15.51% in the last five years.
  2. What is the growth rate of wind energy in India? The growth rate of wind energy in India is approximately 8%.
  3. What initiatives has the Indian government taken to promote wind energy? The Indian government has introduced initiatives such as Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO) and the National Wind Energy Mission to promote wind energy development.
  4. What are the challenges faced by the wind energy sector in India? Challenges include intermittency of wind resources, land acquisition issues, and grid integration limitations.
  5. How is the Indian government addressing these challenges? The government is implementing solutions such as advanced forecasting techniques, energy storage innovations, and collaborations with international partners.


The Indian government’s efforts to drive the growth of wind energy reflect its commitment to a sustainable and diversified energy mix. Through favorable policies, financial incentives, and international collaborations, India aims to unlock the immense potential of wind power. Overcoming challenges and leveraging innovations will propel the country towards achieving its ambitious renewable energy targets while reaping the economic, environmental, and social benefits that wind energy offers.


  1. What is the current growth rate of the Indian renewable energy sector? The Indian renewable energy sector has grown at a compounded annual growth rate of 15.51% in the last five years.
  2. What is the growth rate of wind energy in India? The growth rate of wind energy in India is approximately 8%.
  3. What initiatives has the Indian government taken to promote wind energy? The Indian government has introduced initiatives such as Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO) and the National Wind Energy Mission to promote wind energy development.
  4. What are the challenges faced by the wind energy sector in India? Challenges include intermittency of wind resources, land acquisition issues, and grid integration limitations.
  5. How is the Indian government addressing these challenges? The government is implementing solutions such as advanced forecasting techniques, energy storage innovations, and collaborations with international partners.

These FAQs provide additional information and address common queries related to the topic, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the Indian government’s plans for driving the growth of wind energy.

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